மஹாபெரியதென்ன பண்ணை

நுவாரா மாவட்டம்


  • Province :Central Province
  • District :Nuwara District
  • Distance to Colombo : 130 km


Please feel free to contact us by post, telephone or Fax.Our opening hours are 8.30am to 4.15 pm Monday to Friday.

Mahaberiatenna Farm

Mahaberiatenna Farm, then owned privately was vested with the Land Reforms Commission with the implementation of the Land Reforms Act No. 39 of 1975. This land was handed over to the National Livestock Development Board in 1976. With the accelerated Mahaweli Project approximately 243ha were inundated for Victoria reservoir. Of the balance another 209ha were given for a Golf Club on long lease and 29.1ha were released to the Mid-Country Livestock Development Centre leaving only 175ha for the NLDB.

Soil and Climate

The soils of this area belong to reddish brown Latosolic soils and immature brown loams. The soil reaction is usually moderately acidic. The organic matter and Nitrogen status is medium to low. The Phosphorus status is low. While the Potassium status varies from fairly low to medium. These soils are moderately well supplied in Calcium and Magnesium and have a good cation exchange capacity. The fertility is moderately good. The Physical fertility depth, texture and drainage is extremely good. These soils have a structural stability. The farm is situated at an elevation of approximately 650 meters and the topography of flat narrow valleys merging into rolling hills extend to steeper slopes and rugged mountains. The rainfall pattern is quite different to the Upcountry areas, receiving a comparatively low precipitation.